Lets talk about RUDENESS! I hate when people give me dirty looks. It's pretty obvious when you blatantly stare and make the mean, distorted facial expression. I mean...I may have given a "look" a time or two in my day, but I am not a fan of being the victim. In my daily life I seem to receive "the look" from a wide range of individuals...my brother, sister, mother, 6 year olds, 24 year olds, 40+ year olds..and it happens about every day of my life.
I've been told
**Side note- I can't read lips, I tell people this constantly. So if you expect me to understand what you're saying when you move your lips without any sound, don't expect an honest answer because I am probably just going to nod and say "uh-huh"**
So what I am trying to say is instead of being RUDE and making a hideous face at me, just smile. In return I will try to do the same.
In totally different news... after signing on to my yahoo account today, I found this article that I wanted to share. These over the top baby nurseries can be yours at just a small price. Oh please, give--me--a--break.