Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Day Off...

Not having a full time job sucks has some perks.

Today I was able to get up and go to the gym, I haven't been to that god forsaken place in a while. Last night was my first night back to the good ol' Planet Fitness. It's supposedly the "judgment free zone," but I sense alot of judging going on in that place.

Any who.. last night I ran for 2 miles, and did some arm machine and the ab contraption. Today I did the same, minus the running. Instead, I did the bike for 30 minutes. Good grief.

First and foremost, I would like to commemorate the people who are able to run at lightning speed without breaking a bead of sweat. I would also like to congratulate those who are able to run over 5 miles. The furthest I ever ran was a mere 6 miles. I like to keep my running to a minimum. I run for 2 miles, usually. My best friend Sarah is training for a marathon. A marathon consists of 26.2 miles...yea. freakin. right. BUT, I am very proud of her. She has been committed to training for 6 months, and is running for a little girl with leukemia. I, on the other hand am training for the Turkey Trot- a 5k...that's roughly 3 miles.

I'm glad I can't see myself when I run or workout for that matter. I'll admit, I like to watch peoples faces as they workout. Some can do it with a breeze, and others...well others, not so much.

Back to my point..because I had today off, I was able to go to the gym in the morning. Part of the reason I chose to do the bike this morning was because it sat right in front of TV #5 which had LIVE with Regis and Kelly, on. I.abbbbsoulutely LOVE that show. If I could have lunch with any celebrity it would for sure be, Regis Philbin.

Last March I had the chance to go on the show!!!! I typically apply to every Regis and Kelly application online for various give always, trips, and visits to the show. BUT, that day I received that letter- I could have cried, I was in shock. For that specific show, Jennifer Lopez was going to the celebrity guest. That was the icing on the cake. Who doesn't love Jenny from the block? Well... once we arrived to the studio (very small by the way) we were told that Jenny would not be there and that the supposed "LIVE" show wasn't so live. The portion of the show where Jennifer Lopez appeared on your TV screen, was prerecorded. For us, in the live audience, we watched a TV screen also.

Whether she was there or not, it was amazing. I loved it. For those who don't watch idiots  they play a game with the audience where a caller randomly selects a number ranging from like 1-162 (very random). If the caller picks your number you receive a gift. At this point in the show my palms were sweaty, my heart was racing, my eyes were closed, and my pits were sweating (gross, I know..I sweat alot). I thought for sure that I was going to win. I thought it was my destiny to be there and this would be MY time. they announced the number, in my head I heard MY number. So naturally I made this loud gasping noise as if I won a million dollars, and I started rustling in my seat when I looked around me everyone was silent, staring and was giving dirty looks. They did not call my number. I was mortified.

So, every time I watch Regis and Kelly it reminds me of being in that studio audience. When I have a day off from subbing I wake up specifically to watch Regis and Kelly. It really starts my day off on the right foot. Today, I was able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

I will warn everyone now..November 18th will be a sad, sad day. Regis will be retiring. Get your tissues ready.

As for the rest of my day, I need to construct my Halloween costume :)

Here are some pictures from my visit to LIVE with Regis and Kelly:

The "Golden Ticket"

Lucky Wench..
(Pictures provided by Mrs. Springer)

That's me and Sarah right in the center.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Going, Going, GONE

In other news,

My brother will probably kill me after posting this, but he had the play of the game last Friday night at Rensselaer's homecoming game!! He ran 70 yards on a kick off return!!!

It's hard to believe that he is already 16 years old. I can remember him playing flag football, and now he's a junior in high school and on the varsity football team.

He is going through that whole, "too cool" stage and hates to be seen with any of us. Especially his sisters. Little does he know, he should be extra proud to have sisters like Erica and myself.

He can make me so angry, and I wish I could knock some sense into him sometimes, but when he's on that field I forget all the wrong that he does and I am so proud of him.

Who puts the REAL in REALity?

I am THE reality TV junkie. My weaknesses include everything on E! and BRAVO...and sadly, Jersey Shore. However, lately things have gotten a bit out of hand. I am usually the one defending these people. I typically hate when people say, "they're acting" or "this can't be real," but after this week, boy have the tables turned!

Take for instance Rachel Zoe.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have her wardrobe and I may be jealous of her career as a stylist, but being 38 weeks pregnant how/why do you still weight 100lbs? AND why in her latest episode was she able to fit leisurely in her thousand dollar, skin tight sequence dress? I bet when I am pregnant I will look more like this.

Oh Rachel Zoe, how I do envy you. And, you better believe I will be watching her show tomorrow at 9!

Next on my list is the Kim Kardashian.

I know for a fact that when I get married in 25 years, that I will be on a budget and will have a spending limit on my, so called ,"dream dress." Really Kim, you needed 3? Your husband 1. could have cared less, 2. you had to point it out that you were wearing a new dress every 30 minutes. Patheticcccc.

And while were on the Kardashian kick, Kris Jenner you are so annoying. If she is not the most self centered person, I don't know who is.

The closest thing to reality during Kimmy's Royal Wedding, was when Kourtney tripped up the aisle (which I found to be shocking). I bet Kim purposely chose not to edit that just so she was depicted as the most whimsical, fairest princess of all. gag.

And really Snooki, where did you find this outfit? 

To me, this is the most realistic show on TV...

Any who..enough of my rant, back to your regularly scheduled program.

*Disclaimer- I will continue to watch each and everyone of these shows until they are off air.
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